One of the things we are most grateful for is the support we receive from our friends and the community. Thank you Barbra Rosene for this and letting us share it.
The other day, I was contemplating why I liked Thanksgiving. One of the reasons I love thanksgiving is because it’s the one day we are supposed to focus on what we have, and not what we want but don’t have, as we usually do.
Not that it always works like this, but still, I like the meaning. We’ll never stop wanting more, but if we don’t learn to be grateful for what we have, we will never be satisfied.
This year I am so thankful for my family and friends because they are always there when I need them. Likewise, I appreciate my health especially as I age and look at the alternatives. I am comfortable with all I have and for that my heart is happy.
A little history on the holiday….Thanksgiving is currently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November by federal legislation in 1941 and has been an annual tradition in the United States by presidential proclamation since 1863 and by state legislation since the founding fathers of the United States. Historically, Thanksgiving has traditionally been a celebration of the blessings of the year, including the harvest. My fondest memories of Thanksgiving, besides the food and family gatherings, includes getting up and watching The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade and the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia.
Barb, growing up in Marinette, Wisconsin we guess that you missed our favorite parade, The Hudson’s Thanksgiving Parade in Detroit.